Author Topic: Staff application format (only for RCM)  (Read 78 times)

Offline Zelda

  • L5 Staff
  • *****
  • Posts: 23
  • Proud founder of CIF
  • Group: 1.3.4 LUA Programmer
  • Ingame: [CIF]Zelda

Staff Application

Regular Information about the duty

Before making a staff application it might be nice to know what you can expect as a staff and what we expect from you. As a staff member you will get access, depending on your level, to multiple functions that can be useful when working as a staff. Think about the ability to punish players that broke a rule, etcetera. As a staff member it might be needed to give up a amount of your freedom on doing your duty as a staff. Doing administrative things for the server is a pre. As a staff member we also expect you to think fair and logic. Sometimes it's not possible to make everyone happy with a decision you need to make, but fairness should be at the first place, no matter what.


Not meeting the requirements will lead in an automatic denial of your application.

- You are an active and dedicated player.
- You have Regular Community Member on the forum at least.
- Players in-game know who you are, in a good way.
- You need 250 hours in-game playtime at least.
- You must not be known as a trouble maker or person who broke a lot of rules recently.
- Your English skills should be decent, we need to understand you.
- You did some contributions towards the server in the way of bug reports, suggestion or anything else.

Application Rules

Not following the application rules will lead in an automatic denial of your application.

- Do not ask staff members to read or check your application.
- Be honest, if we find out that you wrote incorrect information, you will be denied or kicked if accepted already.
- Fill out all the questions on the application format.
- Only post applications when staff applications are open. Else your application will be denied automatically.
- When your application gets denied, you cannot re-apply within the following three weeks.
- Not being active during the time that we're reviewing your application will lead into a deniel of your application.
- Use the correct format. Do not change it.


Code: [Select]
[b]1) Real name: [/b]
[b]2) Name inside the game: [/b]
[b]3) Account: [/b]
[b]4) Age: [/b]
[b]5) Country of residence: [/b]
[b]6) Occupation in real life: [/b]

[b]I think someone is cheating so: [/b]
[b]A player is screaming for help in the main chat so: [/b]
[b]A player insults me so I: [/b]
[b]A player asks me to give them some money so I: [/b]
[b]Someone is cheating but I can not ban them, so: [/b]
[b]I found an error that gives money free for what: [/b]

[b]I have been part of the following groups in the game: [/b]
[b]I have been playing on the CIF MTA SA server since: [/b]
[b]How many hours do you have playing on the server: [/b]
[b]How many hours on average do you play on the server one week: [/b]
[b]Could end up inactive due to real world commitments / duties: [/b]
[b]I am aware that I have to be active to perform my duties as a staff member: [/b]
[b]I am aware that I will have to leave any group in the game if the staff: [/b]
[b]I am aware that I have to sacrifice a large part of my game time to help: [/b]

[b]My understanding of the Spanish language is: [/b]
[b]A capital letter is used when: [/b]
[b]Write a paragraph describing yourself and why you want to be a CIF staff member: [/b]
[b]Do you have experience in any other project?: [/b]

[b]I agree that I will not behave in an immature or immoral way: Yes / No [/b]
[b]I agree that any right granted to me will be used only for what is intended: Yes / No [/b]
[b]I agree not to act in a negligent, insulting or unfair way to people: Yes / No [/b]
[b]I agree not to compromise the security of anything I have access to: Yes / No [/b]
[b]I agree to be honest and not jump to conclusions: Yes / No [/b]
[b]I agree to act appropriately at all times and set a good example: Yes / No [/b]
[b]I agree to remain loyal to CIF during my membership as a staff member: Yes / No [/b]
[b]I agree to contact the CIF rules when I am not sure of anything: Yes / No [/b]
[b]I agree to follow all requests made by CIF management: Yes / No [/b]
[b]I agree that my membership of CIF staff may be terminated by breaking an agreement: Yes / No [/b]
[b]I agree that any action taken on my account (s) is my responsibility: Yes / No
[b]I agree not to disclose confidential information: Yes / No [/b]
[b]I accept that being a staff member is a tool that I should not use for personal purposes with anyone or to abuse, or to punish without reports, and if I do this I accept that I will be suspended from the staff: Yes / No [/b]
[b]I agree that the information in this application is true and correct: Yes / No [/b]

Were you already part of the staff? Request to return to the team.

Code: [Select]
[b]1) Account: [/b]
[b]2) For what reason I want to return to the team: [/b]
[b]3) I accept that being a staff member is a tool that I should not use for personal purposes with anyone or to abuse, or to punish without reports, and if I do this I accept that I will be suspended from the staff: Yes / No [/b]