Author Topic: CIF Staff, Supporters and Honourables  (Read 139 times)

Offline Zelda

  • L5 Staff
  • *****
  • Posts: 23
  • Proud founder of CIF
  • Group: 1.3.4 LUA Programmer
  • Ingame: [CIF]Zelda
CIF Staff, Supporters and Honourables
« on: 05, 11, 2024 »
CO - Community Owner (Unlimited access and check that everyone staff does their job)
AM - Account Manager (Returns access to inaccessible accounts)
PM - Punishment Manager (Handles complaints, bans / punish from players)
GM - Group Manager (Responsible for managing the benefits for the groups)
ME - Map Editor (Make the bases of the groups)
EM - Event Manager (Do events for the server)
FM - Membership Manager (Give/Remove ranks to the community)

Staff Members

L5 (Head Staff)

L5. Zelda (CO)
L5. TheS3b@(CO), (GM)

L4 (High Staff)

L4. Ilyes

L3 (Trusted Staff)

L1 (New Staff)

L0 (Trial Staff)



The people who are on this list are constributors, helpers, developers, or people who made this project possible.

BranD: High contribution to staff team and developer.

Ximbas: Contributing to server with their presence and dedication.

Green: Contributing to server with their presence and dedication.

Wauh: Contributions to staff and community.

4ever: Contributing to server with their presence and dedication.

Nvreformat: Contributions in server development.

Gonzalo: Contributions in server development.

Harwood: Contributions in server development.
« Last Edit: 16, 11, 2024 by Zelda »